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Cho, E., Yurdum, L., Ebinne, E., Hilton, C. B., Lai, E., Bertolo, M., Brown, P., Mills, B., Sened, H., Tamir, D. I., & Mehr, S. A.,. (2024). Ecological momentary assessment reveals causal effects of music enrichment on infant mood. PsyArXiv.

Cho, E., Duarte-García, M. A., Sigal-Sefchovich, J. R., & Chagas, P. C. (2023). Music-evoked nostalgia and charitable giving: A cross-cultural study in the U.S. and Mexico. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 33(1-4), 57-69.

Cho, E., Einarson, K. M., & D'Ercole P. (2023). A research survey of Suzuki parents: Their confidence and challenges while supporting their child. American Suzuki Journal, 51(2).

Ilari, B. & Cho, E. (2023). Musical participation and positive youth development in middle school. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1056542.

Einarson, K. M., Cho, E., & D'Ercole P. (2022). The parent role in Suzuki music lessons: Experiences and perspectives shared by novice parents. Music Education Research, 24(5), 638-650.

Ilari, B., Cho, E., Li, J., & Bautista, A. (2021). Perceptions of parenting, parent-child interactions and extracurricular activities in times of Covid-19. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 31(2), 209-420.

Cho, E., & Han, J. Y. (2021). Small music ensemble and empathy: A replication study in a South Korean music student sample. Psychology of Music, 50(4), 1121-11135.

Cho, E., & Ilari, B. (2021). Mothers as home DJs: Recorded music and young children's well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 637569.

Cho, E. (2021). The relationship between small music ensemble experience and empathy skill: A survey study, Psychology of Music, 49(3), 600-614.

Bland, M., & Cho, E. (2021). The effect of physical movement on observers’ perception of musical quality in a choral performance. Psychology of Music, 49(6), 1449-1461.

Cho, E., Habibi, A., & Ilari, B. (2020). What is your favorite song? Song preferences of elementary school-aged children over the course of five years. In A. J. Cohen (Ed.), Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing: Vol. 1 Development (pp. 384-395). New York, NY: Routledge.

Crawford, L., Cho, E., & Ilari, B. (2020). Singing and elders: Toward a life experience approach. In A. J. Cohen (Ed.), Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing: Vol. 3 Well-being (pp. 383-394). New York, NY: Routledge.

Ilari, B., & Cho, E. (2019). Neuromusical research and young children: Harmonious relationship or discordant notes? In S. Young & B. Ilari (Eds.), Music in Early Childhood: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives and Inter-disciplinary Exchanges (pp. 119-135). Springer.

Cho, E. (2019). Sensitive periods for music training from a cognitive neuroscience perspective: A review of literature with implications for teaching practice: International Journal of Music in Early Childhood, 14(1), 17-33.

Hwang, Y. J., & Cho, E. (2019). Musical parenting and acculturation of South Korean immigrant mothers. International Journal of Community Music, 12(1), 51-72.

Cho, E. (2018). Songs of their lives: A narrative study of three older Korean immigrants in Los Angeles. Research Studies in Music Education, 40(2), 157-175.

Cho, E. (2015). What do mothers say? Korean mothers’ perceptions of children’s participation in extra-curricular musical activities. Music Education Research, 17(2), 162-178.

Cho, E. (2014). Music education and intelligence: A literature review. Korean Journal of Research in Music Education, 43(2). 67-91.

Selected Conference Presentations

Cho, E., Pujol-Rovira, L., & Ilari, B. (August 2022). 'Parents as Home DJs: Effects of music listening on young children's psychological well-being'. The 2022 Society for Music Perception and Cognition Conference, Portland, OR.​

Cho, E., Pujol-Rovira, L., & Ilari, B. (July 2022). 'Parents as Home DJs: Strategic use of music and young children's psychological well-being', The 35th International Society for Music Education Conference (virtual).

Cho, E.,  Chagas, P. C., & Morales, G. G. (September 2021). 'Music-evoked autobiographical memories of a young adult cohort: What can they tell music educators?' The 13th Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education and Research, Tokyo, Japan (virtual).

Cho, E., & Hwang, Y. J. (September 2021). 'Music-evoked nostalgia: A recent craze of an old K-pop vocal group in South Korea'. International Conference of CIPEM/INET-md. Porto, Portugal (virtual).

Cho, E., Duarte-García, M. A., Sigal-Sefchovich, J. R., & Chagas, P. C. (July 2021). 'Music-evoked nostalgia and prosocial behavior: A cross-sectional study in the United States and Mexico'. The 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Sheffield, UK (virtual)

Cho, E., Chagas, P. C., & Graham, O. J. (July 2021). 'Music-evoked autobiographical memories and nostalgia: A study of a young adult cohort'. The 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Sheffield, UK (virtual)

Cho, E., & Han, J. Y. (November 2020). 'Small music ensemble and social-emotional skills: A cross-cultural study'. The 16th Annual McMaster Neuromusic Virtual Conference, Hamilton, Canada (virtual). 

Cho, E., & Chagas, P. C. (September 2020). 'Music-evoked nostalgia and prosocial behavior'. Affect, Personality, and Embodied Brain 2020 Conference, Mottingham, UK (virtual)

Einarson, K., Cho, E., & D'Ercole, P.  (August 2020). 'Surveying Suzuki parents: What they learned, what they think, what they wished they knew'. The 15th International Research Symposium on Talent Education (virtual). 

Han, J. Y., & Cho, E. (July 2019). 'The relationship between small music ensemble and empathy: A cross-sectional study'. The 2019 Biennial Meeting for the Society for Music Perception and Cognition, New York, NY. 

Cho, E. (July 2017). 'An investigation of the relationship between music students’ small music ensemble experiences and empathy skills'. The 2017 Biennial Meeting for the Society for Music Perception and Cognition, San Diego, CA. 

Hwang, Y. J., & Cho, E. (March 2016). 'Acculturation and perceptions of children’s participation in musical activities by immigrant parents: A study of Korean immigrant mothers'. The 16th National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Music Research and Teacher Education National Conference, Atlanta, GA. 

Cho, E., & Hwang, Y. J. (February 2016). 'Meeting of east and west: Integration of traditional music into the Orff-Schulwerk'. The 2016 California All-State Music Education Conference, San Jose, CA. 

Cho, E., & Crawford, L. (July 2013). 'Seniors’ autobiographical memory of musical experiences: Insights from an interview study'. The 2013 Biennial Meeting for the Society for Music Perception and Cognition, Toronto, Canada. 

Cho, E., Crawford, L., & Ilari, B. (July 2013). 'A musical portrait of singing and identity: Elderly Angelinos’ experiences and impressions of singing in youth and as seniors'. The 5th Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

Cho, E. (February 2013). 'What do parents say?'. National Association for Music Education Northwest Division Conference, Portland, OR.


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